Path of the Luminous Voice

a powerful journey through the foundations of
Indian Devotional Singing & Chanting

Self-Paced Video Course 

with Sheela Bringi & Brent Kuecker

In Luminous Voice 101 you will: 

  • ground yourself in the power of the voice

  • practice traditional melodies of mantras and invocations for the Deities

  • sing devotional songs - kÄ«rtans and bhajans

  • open to rapturous states of being through rāga singing

  • gain clarity in articulation and pronunciation of Sanskrit sounds

  • practice easeful posture and use of the Voice

  • listen to stories and teachings on the Deities of Yogic & Hindu practice with Sreedevi Bringi

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What you Receive in the Course: 

  • 6 Modules of Pre-Recorded Video Lessons with over 9 hours of training

  • PDF downloads with notation and translation for all kÄ«rtans and mantras

  • Practice Videos to easily practice key content

  • Access to a Private Group Forum to post your questions and get support

  • Bonus Video courseDeities of Yoga: Stories, Songs, and Mantras by Sreedevi & Sheela Bringi 

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Bonus Course - Deities of Yoga:
Stories, Songs & Mantras

with Sreedevi & Sheela Bringi

  • Experience Deity teachings & stories with Sreedevi Bringi (Sheela’s fabulous Mother!), plus sing songs and mantras with Sheela & Sreedevi together! 
Included as a BONUS with your Purchase!

Your Teaching Team

Sheela Bringi 

Co-Founder, Lead Instructor, and All-Around Boss Lady :-)

Brent Kuecker 

Co-Founder, Lead Instructor, Content Producer aka "The Great Doer"

Sreedevi Bringi

 Sheela's Mom & First Music Teacher, Honored Guest Instructor, "Embodiment of the Goddess of Speech & Beauty" (that's her name!)

Hear from Our Community

"I thought it was going to be a vocal training but it was so much more than that! It was a deep nāda and bhakti yoga immersion. - Lalita Vega, Yoga, Meditation & Mindfulness teacher.
"I work as a music therapist with children with special needs, and it has had such an impact on my work to feel that my voice is connected to 'something greater'. I feel like I'm drawing on such a vast well of love and presence now when I sing :)" - Sophie Mawhinney, Music Therapist
“I've always wanted to bring more mantra and music into my practice and this has given me a jump start to doing that, and also really has grounded me in the voice and the power of the voice in a new way in this really challenging time...” - Jacqueline
"I had no idea what this training would be like and its been such a beautiful experience. The tears of joy that I get from these sessions... my heart needed this. Thank you so much!! - Linda Brown

Luminous Voice 101 is for you if:

  • you are a Yoga teacher and you want to bring the beauty and depth of mantra or kÄ«rtan into your classes 

  • you already chant mantra or sing kirtan, and you want access to greater ease, resonance, and articulation in your singing

  • you love to sing and share your voice, but you’ve never had any vocal training

  • you are a seasoned vocalist and want to experience the healing and devotional aspects of kÄ«rtan, mantra and rāga singing.

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Course Outline

Module 1: Open to the Luminous Voice

  • What is The Luminous Voice?
  • Nāda & Śabda
  • Vocal warm-ups and toning (every week)
  • Intro to Rāga BhÅ«pālÄ«
  • KÄ«rtan to Gaį¹‡eśa in Rāga BhÅ«pālÄ«


Module 2: The Gifts of the Goddess

  • SarasvatÄ« Invocation
  • What are the Gifts of the Goddess? 
  • Learn all 7 svaras
  • KÄ«rtan to Kį¹›į¹£į¹‡a in Rāga BhÅ«pālÄ« 


Module 3: Deepen Into Practice

  • Sanskrit Vowels
  • Bilāval į¹­hāį¹­ (scale) practice
  • Vocal Meditation in Bilāval į¹­hāį¹­
  • KÄ«rtan to the Divine Mother in Bilāval į¹­hāį¹­


Module 4: The Alchemy of Angi and Prāį¹‡a

  • Vowel Practice and Intro to Sanskrit Consonants 
  • KÄ«rtan to SÄ«tā and Rām in Bilāval į¹­hāį¹­


Module 5: The Fullness of Bhakti

  • Bhakti, Bhakti Yoga & Poet Saints 
  • Entire Sanskrit Syllabary 
  • Introduction to Yaman į¹­hāį¹­ 
  • KÄ«rtan in Rāga Yaman


Module 6: Celebrate the Goddess

  • Vāk - Goddess of Speech
  • Sanskrit Syllabary
  • Introduction to Rāga Yaman
  • KÄ«rtan to Divine Mother in Rāga Yaman


Join Luminous Voice 101 Today
Course Access Begins Immediately

One Time Payment


  • Lifetime access to Luminous Voice 101
  • Bonus Course - Deities of Yoga


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