Getting from Denver Airport to Crestone by Bus
Step 1: Book your flight so you arrive in Denver by 10:45am
Step 2: Light rail from DIA to downtown Denver
Denver Regional Transportation District (RTD) offers rail service on the University of Colorado A Line that will take you from Denver International Airport (DIA) to Denver Amtrak Union Station (DEN) to connect with the Bustang/Alpine Express bus. Cost is $10.50 one way. Travel time to Union Station is 37 minutes. Tickets can be purchased at the vending machines located at the RTD Customer Care Counter, which is in the center of the airport on Level One. Tickets must be purchased before proceeding to the train platform, also on Level One. There are no vending machines on the train platform. Please allow enough time to claim your baggage, purchase your rail ticket, board the train, and arrive at Union Station before the Alpine Express bus departure at Union Station at 1:55 p.m. For information about RTD’s rail service from DEN to Union Station, visit: RTD A Line Sunday/Holiday westbound Schedule
Step 3: Bus from Denver to Salida
Bustang/Alpine Express operates the bus line from the Denver Amtrak Union Station to Salida, Colorado on the Crested Butte-Denver Line. The Alpine Express departs daily from the Denver Amtrak Union Station at 1:55 p.m. and arrives in Salida at 5:05 p.m. The cost is $29. Book and pay here. Choose Denver, CO Union Station (DEN) as your point of origin and Salida, CO (SLD), as your destination. Please note this is a *bus* operating between Denver and Salida, not an Amtrak train.
Step 4: Bustang/Outrider from Salida to Moffat
The Bustang Bus will meet the Alpine bus in Salida daily at 5:05 p.m., arriving in Moffat at 6:08 p.m. The cost is $7 and must be paid to the driver in cash, with the correct change. Let the driver know that your destination is Moffat. The Alamosa/Pueblo Line runs between Salida and Moffat (Southbound).
Step 5: Moffat to CMZC
If you let us know ahead of time that you will be taking the bus, we will arrange to have you picked up from the Moffat bus stop. Otherwise, call Windhorse Taxi Service, call or text 719-480-5127 or email [email protected].
For the Return Bus Service to Denver
Call Windhorse Taxi Service, 719-480-5127 or email [email protected] to pick you up from CMZC at 6am to take you to Moffat Town Park, 5th & Reynolds.
The Bustang Bus stops in Moffat at the Moffat Town Park, 5th & Reynolds at 6:45 a.m. and arrives in Salida at 7:45 a.m (Northbound). The cost is $7 cash paid to the driver in correct change.
In Salida, transfer to the Alpine Express bus to Denver Union Station arriving at Denver Union Station at 10:50 a.m. Pay $29 cash to the driver in correct change or you may book and pay here. Choose Salida, CO (SLD) as your point of origin and Denver, CO Union Station (DEN) as your destination.
The University of Colorado A Line, RTD train will return you to Denver International Airport.
Your outbound flight from DIA should not leave before 1:30pm.